1. What is Smoothie Wars?
Smoothie Wars is a fast,competitive, strategy game for 3-8 players, where you compete with others selling smoothies on a tropical island. More information on the rules is provided here.
2.Who is the game aimed at?
Ages 12yrs +. If you are competitive, fancy yourself as a entrepreneur or smart salesperson, or simply want a game that provides great education on some business basics then you should become a Smoothie Warrior.
3. Anything else?
The game is a smoothie-selling shown-down, where all players go simultaneously and have the option to bluff, mislead and trash-talk the competion before each turn.
4. Can I buy the game now?
Yes. If you want to snap up one of the remaining deluxe version please click here.
6. How much will the game cost?
The limited edition deluxe price is £34 (plus postage and packaging).
7. Anything else I should know about the game?
In an independent user-testing , 100% of testers said they would play the game again, 75% said they would buy the game and the remaining 25% would definitely consider buying it. You can see our BoardGameGeek rating here.